Senin, 15 Juli 2013

my tour

Picnic to  yogjakarta
school moment perform picnic to my yogjakarta and my friend friend have a mind to following one day before leaving busy me prepare food and equipments which I wish to bring and impatient wish immediately leave . its night me gather with friend friend and enquiring each other goods any kind of which brought then we return home masing masing and night I cannot sleep . its morning me ready to ready for leaving and after there we await bus we to take a ride after its bus come direct us enter its it and after apsen there my friend which not yet come so that we await after a quarter await my friend newly come because him oversleep after our bus complete even also leave journey of us of very brighten up in our bus brighten up , singing , joking and journey surprised with view of the very magnificent journey which not make happy that is many my drunken friend journey of our bus desist spbu for our breather even also buy some beverage to refresh body after releasing our bus fatigue even also continue journey . journey of us stop by first temple of borobudur there its atmosphere very hot we reciprocated with very beautiful garden garden and temple of borobudur seen high and its building still is sturdy us even also take a ride doorstep child for the shake of doorstep child which its inclination almost 45 degree of after reaching top feel heat lose to become cold atmosphere view of beautiful view encircle we use opportunity intentionally x'self to photograph our photo there meet foreign tourist and photograph together satisfied stelah above our temple even also go down to buy some and food of sovenir sovenis like temple idol paint temple painting and engraving engraving which forming and depicting temple of borobudur . stelah our borobudur continue journey to coast of parangtritis moment walked we see wide sand carpet and wave in the reality we are closed to . after until we change clothes and direct to its coast us very like there we play at water . we develop;build like a wall and after becoming our wall collapse effect dash against strong wave kamipun lie down ashore and multiply our timesrill dashing against wave we not sulk but very like and exclaim moment we will return billow kebus come and kamipun impel and we ordered our counsellor mother father to immediately change clothes and continue journey of our journey stop for and dinner of sholat our dinner moment maghrib joke and pour experience which have obtain;get there place eat him like garden many fish around us and is assorted fish type after eating we give or obtain cash for religious service of sholat we berjamaah continue journey of us rather disappointed because location we have closed because rather late us finally we even also to market of maliyoboro there a lot of typical merchandise our yogjakarta buy some food and clothes after buying us we continue journey . journey of us stop by center by by us there kamipun buy again food there like fun so that we have to queue up after buy some our food continue journey. We sleep because fatigue  have activity all day long . after our several hours free station of[is target of that is our countryside . we return safely and no any constraint.

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